VivAer Procedure

VivAer Procedure

VivAer Procedure in Clackamas: A Minimally Invasive Way to Transform Your Airway

Millions of people in the US suffer from conditions that clog their nasal passages or create congestion. Because of this, breathing through their nose becomes difficult for them. If the illness is severe, treatment may include extensive, unpleasant surgery under general anesthesia. If you are one of these individuals, know that Mt. Scott ENT & Sleep Medicine offers the VivAer Procedure in Clackamas to help you.

What is a VivAer Procedure?

A VivAer Procedure is a nasal airway remodeling treatment in which your nasal tissues are softly reshaped by the doctor to help you breathe easier. A specialist employs a tiny, portable device that reshapes the tissues in your nose without making any incisions, enhancing airflow. It does this by using regulated radiofrequency energy.

Before the VivAer procedure existed, the usual therapies for nasal blockages were at-home treatments like internal nasal dilators, medications like steroids and antihistamines, and nasal surgery. With the VivAer procedure, you can now choose a better alternative. In this procedure, your nasal valve area, frequently the primary location involved with nasal blockage, can be opened up during your quick appointment.

When to get a VivAer Procedure?

There are several indications that you may need a VivAer Procedure. These include the following:

1. Narrowing of the Nasal Valve

Your nasal valve is a triangular-shaped area located in your passage. It is composed of the septum, lateral wall, and turbines. Breathing through your nose can become difficult due to reduced airflow and severe congestion caused by any weakening or constriction of an already tiny nasal valve.

2. Nasal Obstruction

Nasal obstruction is commonly caused by nasal tissue swelling, which narrows the nasal cavity and congests the passageways. It may lead to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), snoring, and sleeping problems.

Your nose is where your body is designed to breathe. When congestion prevents you from using your nose, you are forced to start breathing through your mouth. However, this isn’t the ideal way to get air into your lungs. Snoring during sleep is caused by breathing via your mouth, which causes your soft palate and uvula to vibrate or create more negative pressure.

3. Frequent Snoring

According to ENT Health, at least 25% of healthy adults snore regularly, while at least 45% snore occasionally. Men and overweight people are more likely to have snoring and other sleep issues. Also, as they age, their problems usually get worse. Snoring should not be ignored as it may be a sign of nasal blockage.

4. Impaired Sleep

Another indication that you may need a VivAer Procedure is impaired sleep. Symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, habitual snoring, and non-restorative sleep. Left untreated, impaired sleep may lead to fatigue, increased risk of accidents, and depression.

Benefits of VivAer Procedure

If you are experiencing any of these indications, it is best to see us at Mt. Scott ENT & Sleep Medicine. We offer VivAer Procedure in Clackamas, a safe and convenient way to help you breathe easier. After the procedure, many people see an immediate improvement in their nasal breathing. Other main benefits of a VivAer Procedure include the following:

In-office Procedure – You can go home the same day and return to your regular routines because your treatment is simple and done in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia.

Non-invasive Technology – VivAer is a proven technology that efficiently reduces nasal congestion and facilitates easier breathing by gently rearranging the tissues of your nose without any tools entering parts of your body.

Clinically proven Results—According to a study, the VivAer Procedure demonstrates notable benefits in individuals with nasal blockage, comparable to more invasive operations.

Effective VivAer Procedure in Clackamas, OR

To find out if the VivAer Procedure is right for you, whether you’re a good candidate, and how much it will cost, contact Mt. Scott ENT & Sleep Medicine for a consultation. Our specialist will discuss the procedure with you in greater detail.

Book an appointment today!